life at zdl

At ZDL, we bring together highly talented and efficient people and provide them with a conducive environment comparable to the industry's best.

We aim at developing self-organizing teams that learn to manage at the edge of chaos. We believe that our employees are most valuable assets of the organization and deserve the best work environment.

Our resilient team believes in agile development and uses strategy as simple rules. Lack of Communication barriers and transparency at all levels of hierarchy enable development of not just the organization but of the individual as well.

Safe And Secure
Working Conditions

on the job

unhindered communication
flow at all levels

innumerous growth


Constant Creativity
And Innovation

Soft Skills

Experienced & Visionary

Rejuvenating Engagements
And Activities

Here is your opportunity to showcase your zeal and enthusiasm to make a bright career at ZDL!

Sumbit your resume in the tab below.

Our HR Team shall coordinate accordingly on the receipt of your application.